Live AUD Exchange Rates (Australian Dollar)

Date and time: 03. August 2023 08:08 AM (GMT).

This menu lists the exchange rates today for the AUD (Australian Dollar). The listed rates are based on international currency exchange rates. You can use the search bar above the list on the Forex (FX) Forecasts page to search for a specific currency pair. You can use the FX Currency Calculator & Converter to convert AUD to other currencies.

Date / Time: Aug 03, 2023 08:08 UTC

Top 20 Currencies

Currency pairs (all AUD pairs)RateInverse RateHistorical ratesForecast
AUD iconUSD iconAUD to USD0.652 USD1.534 AUDHistorical rateAUD to USD forecast
AUD iconEUR iconAUD to EUR0.597 EUR1.675 AUDHistorical rateAUD to EUR forecast
AUD iconINR iconAUD to INR53.982 INR0.0185 AUDHistorical rateAUD to INR forecast
AUD iconJPY iconAUD to JPY93.278 JPY0.01072 AUDHistorical rateAUD to JPY forecast
AUD iconGBP iconAUD to GBP0.514 GBP1.946 AUDHistorical rateAUD to GBP forecast
AUD iconCHF iconAUD to CHF0.573 CHF1.745 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CHF forecast
AUD iconAED iconAUD to AED2.395 AED0.418 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AED forecast
AUD iconAFN iconAUD to AFN55.821 AFN0.0179 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AFN forecast
AUD iconALL iconAUD to ALL61.244 ALL0.0163 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ALL forecast
AUD iconAMD iconAUD to AMD252.732 AMD0.00396 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AMD forecast
AUD iconAOA iconAUD to AOA537.818 AOA0.00186 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AOA forecast
AUD iconARS iconAUD to ARS180.867 ARS0.00553 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ARS forecast
AUD iconAWG iconAUD to AWG1.174 AWG0.852 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AWG forecast
AUD iconAZN iconAUD to AZN1.114 AZN0.898 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AZN forecast
AUD iconBAM iconAUD to BAM1.166 BAM0.858 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BAM forecast
AUD iconBBD iconAUD to BBD1.321 BBD0.757 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BBD forecast
AUD iconBDT iconAUD to BDT71.630 BDT0.0140 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BDT forecast
AUD iconBGN iconAUD to BGN1.167 BGN0.857 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BGN forecast
AUD iconBHD iconAUD to BHD0.246 BHD4.065 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BHD forecast
AUD iconBIF iconAUD to BIF1853.320 BIF0.000540 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BIF forecast

Alphabetic table

Currency pairs (all AUD pairs)RateInverse RateHistorical ratesForecast
AUD iconAED iconAUD to AED2.395 AED0.418 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AED forecast
AUD iconAFN iconAUD to AFN55.821 AFN0.0179 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AFN forecast
AUD iconALL iconAUD to ALL61.244 ALL0.0163 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ALL forecast
AUD iconAMD iconAUD to AMD252.732 AMD0.00396 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AMD forecast
AUD iconAOA iconAUD to AOA537.818 AOA0.00186 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AOA forecast
AUD iconARS iconAUD to ARS180.867 ARS0.00553 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ARS forecast
AUD iconAWG iconAUD to AWG1.174 AWG0.852 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AWG forecast
AUD iconAZN iconAUD to AZN1.114 AZN0.898 AUDHistorical rateAUD to AZN forecast
AUD iconBAM iconAUD to BAM1.166 BAM0.858 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BAM forecast
AUD iconBBD iconAUD to BBD1.321 BBD0.757 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BBD forecast
AUD iconBDT iconAUD to BDT71.630 BDT0.0140 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BDT forecast
AUD iconBGN iconAUD to BGN1.167 BGN0.857 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BGN forecast
AUD iconBHD iconAUD to BHD0.246 BHD4.065 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BHD forecast
AUD iconBIF iconAUD to BIF1853.320 BIF0.000540 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BIF forecast
AUD iconBMD iconAUD to BMD0.652 BMD1.534 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BMD forecast
AUD iconBND iconAUD to BND0.875 BND1.143 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BND forecast
AUD iconBOB iconAUD to BOB4.522 BOB0.221 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BOB forecast
AUD iconBRL iconAUD to BRL3.138 BRL0.319 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BRL forecast
AUD iconBSD iconAUD to BSD0.654 BSD1.529 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BSD forecast
AUD iconBTN iconAUD to BTN54.052 BTN0.0185 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BTN forecast
AUD iconBWP iconAUD to BWP8.714 BWP0.115 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BWP forecast
AUD iconBYN iconAUD to BYN1.652 BYN0.6053 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BYN forecast
AUD iconBYR iconAUD to BYR12780.80 BYR0.0000782 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BYR forecast
AUD iconBZD iconAUD to BZD1.319 BZD0.758 AUDHistorical rateAUD to BZD forecast
AUD iconCAD iconAUD to CAD0.872 CAD1.147 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CAD forecast
AUD iconCDF iconAUD to CDF1574.780 CDF0.000635 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CDF forecast
AUD iconCHF iconAUD to CHF0.573 CHF1.745 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CHF forecast
AUD iconCLF iconAUD to CLF0.0200 CLF50.000 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CLF forecast
AUD iconCLP iconAUD to CLP550.937 CLP0.00182 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CLP forecast
AUD iconCNY iconAUD to CNY4.689 CNY0.213 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CNY forecast
AUD iconCOP iconAUD to COP2636.550 COP0.000379 AUDHistorical rateAUD to COP forecast
AUD iconCRC iconAUD to CRC356.564 CRC0.00280 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CRC forecast
AUD iconCUC iconAUD to CUC0.652 CUC1.534 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CUC forecast
AUD iconCUP iconAUD to CUP17.280 CUP0.0579 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CUP forecast
AUD iconCVE iconAUD to CVE65.725 CVE0.0152 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CVE forecast
AUD iconCZK iconAUD to CZK14.339 CZK0.0697 AUDHistorical rateAUD to CZK forecast
AUD iconDJF iconAUD to DJF116.516 DJF0.00858 AUDHistorical rateAUD to DJF forecast
AUD iconDKK iconAUD to DKK4.452 DKK0.225 AUDHistorical rateAUD to DKK forecast
AUD iconDOP iconAUD to DOP36.825 DOP0.0272 AUDHistorical rateAUD to DOP forecast
AUD iconDZD iconAUD to DZD88.725 DZD0.0113 AUDHistorical rateAUD to DZD forecast
AUD iconEGP iconAUD to EGP20.148 EGP0.0496 AUDHistorical rateAUD to EGP forecast
AUD iconERN iconAUD to ERN9.781 ERN0.1022 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ERN forecast
AUD iconETB iconAUD to ETB36.059 ETB0.0277 AUDHistorical rateAUD to ETB forecast
AUD iconEUR iconAUD to EUR0.597 EUR1.675 AUDHistorical rateAUD to EUR forecast
AUD iconFJD iconAUD to FJD1.478 FJD0.677 AUDHistorical rateAUD to FJD forecast
AUD iconFKP iconAUD to FKP0.513 FKP1.949 AUDHistorical rateAUD to FKP forecast
AUD iconGBP iconAUD to GBP0.514 GBP1.946 AUDHistorical rateAUD to GBP forecast
AUD iconGEL iconAUD to GEL1.694 GEL0.590 AUDHistorical rateAUD to GEL forecast
AUD iconGGP iconAUD to GGP0.513 GGP1.949 AUDHistorical rateAUD to GGP forecast
AUD iconGHS iconAUD to GHS7.363 GHS0.136 AUDHistorical rateAUD to GHS forecast