Live USD Exchange Rates (United States Dollar)

Date and time: 03. August 2023 08:08 AM (GMT).

This menu lists the exchange rates today for the USD (United States Dollar). The listed rates are based on international currency exchange rates. You can use the search bar above the list on the Forex (FX) Forecasts page to search for a specific currency pair. You can use the FX Currency Calculator & Converter to convert USD to other currencies.

Date / Time: Aug 03, 2023 08:08 UTC

Top 20 Currencies

Currency pairs (all USD pairs)RateInverse RateHistorical ratesForecast
USD iconEUR iconUSD to EUR0.916 EUR1.092 USDHistorical rateUSD to EUR forecast
USD iconJPY iconUSD to JPY143.077 JPY0.00699 USDHistorical rateUSD to JPY forecast
USD iconGBP iconUSD to GBP0.788 GBP1.269 USDHistorical rateUSD to GBP forecast
USD iconAUD iconUSD to AUD1.534 AUD0.652 USDHistorical rateUSD to AUD forecast
USD iconCAD iconUSD to CAD1.337 CAD0.748 USDHistorical rateUSD to CAD forecast
USD iconCNY iconUSD to CNY7.147 CNY0.140 USDHistorical rateUSD to CNY forecast
USD iconCHF iconUSD to CHF0.878 CHF1.139 USDHistorical rateUSD to CHF forecast
USD iconMXN iconUSD to MXN17.280 MXN0.0579 USDHistorical rateUSD to MXN forecast
USD iconSGD iconUSD to SGD1.345 SGD0.743 USDHistorical rateUSD to SGD forecast
USD iconKRW iconUSD to KRW1303.970 KRW0.000767 USDHistorical rateUSD to KRW forecast
USD iconNZD iconUSD to NZD1.648 NZD0.6068 USDHistorical rateUSD to NZD forecast
USD iconHKD iconUSD to HKD7.805 HKD0.128 USDHistorical rateUSD to HKD forecast
USD iconSEK iconUSD to SEK10.741 SEK0.0931 USDHistorical rateUSD to SEK forecast
USD iconTRY iconUSD to TRY26.989 TRY0.0371 USDHistorical rateUSD to TRY forecast
USD iconINR iconUSD to INR82.786 INR0.0121 USDHistorical rateUSD to INR forecast
USD iconRUB iconUSD to RUB93.473 RUB0.01070 USDHistorical rateUSD to RUB forecast
USD iconNOK iconUSD to NOK10.308 NOK0.0970 USDHistorical rateUSD to NOK forecast
USD iconBRL iconUSD to BRL4.812 BRL0.2078 USDHistorical rateUSD to BRL forecast
USD iconZAR iconUSD to ZAR18.649 ZAR0.0536 USDHistorical rateUSD to ZAR forecast
USD iconTWD iconUSD to TWD31.675 TWD0.0316 USDHistorical rateUSD to TWD forecast

Alphabetic table

Currency pairs (all USD pairs)RateInverse RateHistorical ratesForecast
USD iconAED iconUSD to AED3.673 AED0.272 USDHistorical rateUSD to AED forecast
USD iconAFN iconUSD to AFN85.605 AFN0.0117 USDHistorical rateUSD to AFN forecast
USD iconALL iconUSD to ALL93.921 ALL0.01065 USDHistorical rateUSD to ALL forecast
USD iconAMD iconUSD to AMD387.577 AMD0.00258 USDHistorical rateUSD to AMD forecast
USD iconANG iconUSD to ANG1.809 ANG0.553 USDHistorical rateUSD to ANG forecast
USD iconAOA iconUSD to AOA824.771 AOA0.00121 USDHistorical rateUSD to AOA forecast
USD iconARS iconUSD to ARS277.376 ARS0.00361 USDHistorical rateUSD to ARS forecast
USD iconAUD iconUSD to AUD1.534 AUD0.652 USDHistorical rateUSD to AUD forecast
USD iconAWG iconUSD to AWG1.800 AWG0.556 USDHistorical rateUSD to AWG forecast
USD iconAZN iconUSD to AZN1.701 AZN0.588 USDHistorical rateUSD to AZN forecast
USD iconBAM iconUSD to BAM1.788 BAM0.559 USDHistorical rateUSD to BAM forecast
USD iconBDT iconUSD to BDT109.848 BDT0.00910 USDHistorical rateUSD to BDT forecast
USD iconBGN iconUSD to BGN1.790 BGN0.559 USDHistorical rateUSD to BGN forecast
USD iconBHD iconUSD to BHD0.377 BHD2.653 USDHistorical rateUSD to BHD forecast
USD iconBIF iconUSD to BIF2842.150 BIF0.000352 USDHistorical rateUSD to BIF forecast
USD iconBND iconUSD to BND1.342 BND0.745 USDHistorical rateUSD to BND forecast
USD iconBOB iconUSD to BOB6.935 BOB0.144 USDHistorical rateUSD to BOB forecast
USD iconBRL iconUSD to BRL4.812 BRL0.2078 USDHistorical rateUSD to BRL forecast
USD iconBSD iconUSD to BSD1.004 BSD0.996 USDHistorical rateUSD to BSD forecast
USD iconBTN iconUSD to BTN82.891 BTN0.0121 USDHistorical rateUSD to BTN forecast
USD iconBWP iconUSD to BWP13.363 BWP0.0748 USDHistorical rateUSD to BWP forecast
USD iconBYN iconUSD to BYN2.533 BYN0.395 USDHistorical rateUSD to BYN forecast
USD iconBZD iconUSD to BZD2.023 BZD0.494 USDHistorical rateUSD to BZD forecast
USD iconCAD iconUSD to CAD1.337 CAD0.748 USDHistorical rateUSD to CAD forecast
USD iconCDF iconUSD to CDF2415.000 CDF0.000414 USDHistorical rateUSD to CDF forecast
USD iconCHF iconUSD to CHF0.878 CHF1.139 USDHistorical rateUSD to CHF forecast
USD iconCLF iconUSD to CLF0.03062 CLF32.658 USDHistorical rateUSD to CLF forecast
USD iconCLP iconUSD to CLP844.890 CLP0.00118 USDHistorical rateUSD to CLP forecast
USD iconCNY iconUSD to CNY7.147 CNY0.140 USDHistorical rateUSD to CNY forecast
USD iconCOP iconUSD to COP4043.280 COP0.000247 USDHistorical rateUSD to COP forecast
USD iconCRC iconUSD to CRC546.808 CRC0.00183 USDHistorical rateUSD to CRC forecast
USD iconCVE iconUSD to CVE100.793 CVE0.00992 USDHistorical rateUSD to CVE forecast
USD iconCZK iconUSD to CZK21.993 CZK0.0455 USDHistorical rateUSD to CZK forecast
USD iconDJF iconUSD to DJF178.684 DJF0.00560 USDHistorical rateUSD to DJF forecast
USD iconDKK iconUSD to DKK6.828 DKK0.146 USDHistorical rateUSD to DKK forecast
USD iconDOP iconUSD to DOP56.472 DOP0.0177 USDHistorical rateUSD to DOP forecast
USD iconDZD iconUSD to DZD136.064 DZD0.00735 USDHistorical rateUSD to DZD forecast
USD iconEGP iconUSD to EGP30.901 EGP0.0324 USDHistorical rateUSD to EGP forecast
USD iconERN iconUSD to ERN15.000 ERN0.0667 USDHistorical rateUSD to ERN forecast
USD iconETB iconUSD to ETB55.298 ETB0.0181 USDHistorical rateUSD to ETB forecast
USD iconEUR iconUSD to EUR0.916 EUR1.092 USDHistorical rateUSD to EUR forecast
USD iconFJD iconUSD to FJD2.267 FJD0.441 USDHistorical rateUSD to FJD forecast
USD iconFKP iconUSD to FKP0.787 FKP1.271 USDHistorical rateUSD to FKP forecast
USD iconGBP iconUSD to GBP0.788 GBP1.269 USDHistorical rateUSD to GBP forecast
USD iconGEL iconUSD to GEL2.598 GEL0.385 USDHistorical rateUSD to GEL forecast
USD iconGGP iconUSD to GGP0.787 GGP1.271 USDHistorical rateUSD to GGP forecast
USD iconGHS iconUSD to GHS11.292 GHS0.0886 USDHistorical rateUSD to GHS forecast
USD iconGIP iconUSD to GIP0.787 GIP1.271 USDHistorical rateUSD to GIP forecast
USD iconGMD iconUSD to GMD62.801 GMD0.0159 USDHistorical rateUSD to GMD forecast
USD iconGNF iconUSD to GNF8632.660 GNF0.000116 USDHistorical rateUSD to GNF forecast